Q Why do we need a varied diet?
A Late last year, a study conducted in 10 European countries showed that eating a variety of fruits and vegetables reduces lung cancer risk by as much as 23 percent. That’s just the most recent evidence that diverse diets are ideal. Our bodies require, among other things, amino acids, fats and vitamins to function.
We can get vitamin C, for example – Which assists in biochemical reactions, helps heal wounds, and acts as an antioxidant – from many fruits and vegetables. Fats, a main source of energy, are found in nuts, fish and oils. And
Animal products, legumes and grains provide nine amino acids vital for building proteins, the structural components of our cells. Leefy greens contain vitamin A,
a necessity for eye and skin health.
Adapted from: SCIENCE ILLUSTRATED. New York Bonnier Corporation, volume 4, issue 2, marc/April 2011, p.27.
a) What is the purpose of the e text?
To answer a question.
To recommend an old diet.
b) What do Q and A stand for?
Question and Advice.
Question and answer.
c) What is the main ideal of the text?
A diverse diet is good for your health.
A diet based on vegetables is good for your brain.
d) How many words do you have in your text knowledge?
2) Are the following statements true or false? In your notebook Write T (true) or F (false) for each statement. Then, correct the false statements.
a) Vegetables are a main source of energy. ( )
b) Our bodies require amino acids, fats and vitamins to function. ( )
c) Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant. ( )
d) Vitamin A is a necessity for hair health. ( )
3) Observe os fragmentos abaixo e faça inferência sobre o significado das palavras em negrito.
[...] a variety of fruits and vegetables reduces lung cancer risk [...]
Fats, as a main source of energy, are found in nuts, fish and oils.
Agora copie as frases abaixo em seu caderno substituindo cada ícone por uma das palavras em negrito.
a) ______________ é um órgão do corpo humano.
b) ______________ é um tipo de alimento rico em gordura.
c) ______________ é um falso cognato e significa verduras e legumes.
As palavras cognatas são aquelas que têm o mesmo significado e uma grafia semelhante em dois idiomas.
Ex; accidental – acidental, economy – economia, future – futuro.
Os falsos cognatos são aqueles que possuem uma grafia parecida,
mas um significado diferente para cada língua.
Ex: lunch – almoço, batom – cassetete, costume – fantasia, mayor – prefeito.
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Good Luck!
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